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2. Buiķis A., Aldersons A. New idea of time and life science data registration. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 12 (2018), 14-26. ISSN 1990-0159
3. Klokovs J. O edinstvennosti ekstremalei odnogo funkcionala na ploskosti. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 5-7 (krievu val.)
4. Lepins A., Vasiļjevs N. The Extremal Solutions of the Boundary Value Problems of the Seventh Order 6-7. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 8-14.
5. Smirnovs S. On the Minors of the Fundamental Matrix of the Third-Order Linear Differential Equations. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 15-22.
6. Samuilik I., Sadirbajevs F. On a two-dimensional system of differential equations related to the theory of gene regulatory networks. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 33-42.
7. Sergejeva N. On some nonsymmetric Fučik type spectra. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 54-62.
8. Baryshnikov A., Sadirbajevs F. On instability of solutions of ordinary differential equations with odd type nonlinearity. Proceedings IMCS of University of Latvia (ISSN 1691-8134), 18 (2018), 82-89.
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