1. Lāma R., Asmuss S. Optimization Under Fuzzy Max-t-Norm Relation Constraints. 10th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM 2018). Riga (Latvia), October, 7th-10th, 2018, http://escim2018.uca.es/
Matemātika. Datorzinātne un informātika.
2. Orlovs P., Asmuss S. Fuzzy metric approach to aggregation of risk levels. 10th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM 2018). Riga (Latvia), October, 7th-10th, 2018, http://escim2018.uca.es/
Matemātika. Datorzinātne un informātika.
3. Barzine M., Brazma A., Celms E., Čerāns K., Choudhary J., Fonseca N., Freivalds K., Ghavidel F., Jarnuczak A., Lāce L., Rituma D., Vīksna J. Using Deep Learning for prediction of protein abundance from RNA concentrations and Gene Ontology annotations. RECOMB’2018, The 22nd Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 21-24 April 2018, Paris, France
Stenda referāts starptautiskā konferencē (posteris)
Projekts: ERAF
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4. Vīksna J., Barzine M., Brazma A., Celms E., Čerāns K., Choudhary J., Fonseca N., Freivalds K., Ghavidel F., Jarnuczak A., Lāce L., Rituma D. An integrated approach to missing data imputation in quantitative proteomics experiments. ECCB’2018, 17th European Conference on Computational Biology, 8 – 12 September, 2018, Athens, Greece.
Stenda referāts starptautiskā konferencē (posteris)
Projekts: ERAF
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5. Ručevskis P., Opmanis M., Ķikusts P., Celms E., Lāce L., Melkus G., Vīksna J., Rukliša D. Predicting functionally related modules in promoter capture Hi-C data. ECCB’2018, 17th European Conference on Computational Biology, 8 – 12 September, 2018, Athens, Greece.
Stenda referāts starptautiskā konferencē (posteris)
6. Asmuss S., Budkina N. Smoothing splines for optimal control of linear dynamical systems. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 10.
7. Atslēga S., Sadirbajevs F. On a differential system arising in networks regulation theory. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 11.
8. Barmina I., Kalis H., Kolmickovs A., Marinaki M., Ozola L., Strautiņš U., Valdmanis R., Zaķe M. Mathematical modelling and experimental study of co-firing straw with gas. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 13.
9. Buiķis A., Aldersons A. Discovery assumption for time registration in the heart rate variability. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 13.
10. Kalis H., Kangro I. CAM with special type splines for solving nonstationary diffusion - convection problems. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 33.
11. Kokainis M., Asmuss S. Approximation by spline based F - transforms. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 37.
12. Ozola L., Strautiņš U. Modelling combustion process of biomass mixtures using ANSYS. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 55.
13. Radin M., Bula I. About neuron model with periodic internal decay rate. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 63.
14. Reinfelds A., Christian S. Volterra integral equation on unbounded above time scales. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 66.
15. Šostaks A. Many - valued measures of rough approximation L - fuzzy sets. Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 76.
16. Uļjane I., Šostaks A. Fuzzy functions as morfisms in category F BORN (L, M). Abstracts of the 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018), May 29 - June 1, 2018, Sigulda, Latvia, pp 79.
17. Auziņa, I. Vowel quantity: analysis of the Latvian language Leraner’s data. Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology: Methods, Aspects and Problems. 5th International Scientific Conference. Abstracts. May 17–18, 2018 Riga, Latvia, pp. 5. (e-publication) ISBN 978-9984-742-82-3
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18. S.Atslēga, F.Sadirbajevs. Attraction in gene regulation systems. The 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018). Sigulda, Latvia, May 29 - June 1, 2018. https://www.lu.lv/mma2018/
19. A.Reinfelds. Bounded solution of dynamical system on time scales. Iesniegts publicēšanai Journal of Pure and Applied.
20. A.Reinfelds. Decoupling of dynamical systems on time scales. International Conference in Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems 2018, NABVP-2018. Septiembre 4.-7. 2018, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. https://www.sema.org.es/en/nabvp-2018-international-conference-in-nonlinear-analysis-and-boundary-value-problems-2018
21. S.Asmuss, M.Kokainis. F-transforms based on B-splines: Advantages and possible applications. The 14-th Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2018. January 28 - February 2, 2018, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic. http://www.math.sk/fsta2018/
22. F.Sadirbajevs. Networks Modeling by Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications. July 5 - July 9, 2018 Taipei, Taiwan. http://aimsciences.org/conferences/2018/
23. I.Bula. Neuron Model with Periodic Coefficient. The 24th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2018), Germany from May 21 to 25, 2018. https://www.icdea2018.de/
24. I.Uļjane. On bornological structures on many-valued sets. 2018 International Conference on Topology and its Applications. July 7-11, 2018, Nafpaktos, Greece. https://www.lepantotopology.gr/start
25. A.Šostaks, S.-E.Han. On many-valued measures of roughness for approximation of L-fuzzy sets. The 14-th Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2018. January 28 - February 2, 2018, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic. http://www.math.sk/fsta2018/
26. S.Asmuss, R.Lāma. On minimization problems with fuzzy relation inequality constraints. The 14-th Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2018. January 28 - February 2, 2018, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic. http://www.math.sk/fsta2018/
27. F.Sadirbajevs. On solutions of a system of ordinary defferential equations in applications. The 23th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2018). Sigulda, Latvia, May 29 - June 1, 2018. https://www.lu.lv/mma2018/
28. I.Uļjane. On the measure of many-level fuzzy rough approximation for L-fuzzy sets. 10th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM 2018). Riga (Latvia), October, 7th-10th, 2018. http://escim2018.uca.es/
29. S.Asmuss. Optimal control via smoothing splines with additional conditions. 9th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces. From June 28 to July 4, 2018, Arcachon, France. https://cs2018.sciencesconf.org/
30. J.Cīrulis. Orthomodular bands. Confernece on Algebra and its Applications. July 18-20, 2018, Tartu, Estonia. http://kodu.ut.ee/~vlaan/aa2018/
31. A.Reinfelds. Simplifying dynamical systems on time scales. The 24th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2018). From May 21 to 25, 2018, Dresden, Germany. https://www.icdea2018.de/
32. A.Šostaks, Some Notes on Topological and Sequential Properties of k-Metric Spaces. International Conference of Honam-Youngnam Mathematical Societies, HYMS 2018. June 21-24, 2018, Seogwipo KAL HOTEL, Jeju Island, Korea. http://amath.jnu.ac.kr/hy2018/
33. A.Šostaks. Some remarks on k-metric spaces. 2018 International Conference on Topology and its Applications. July 7-11, 2018, Nafpaktos, Greece. https://www.lepantotopology.gr/start
34. A.Spektors, I.Auziņa, B.Saulīte. Tēzaurs- populārākais Mākslīgā intelekta laboratorijā izstrādātais resurss. Starptautisks valodas konsultantu simpozijs „Pārbaudījumi valodas konsultantu ikdienā”. 18.10.2018., Rīga, Latvija. https://valoda.lv/starptautisks-valodas-konsultantu-simpozijs-parbaudijumi-valodas-konsultantu-ikdiena/
Valodniecība un literatūrzinātne
35. F.Sadirbajevs. Unboundedness of Solutions in Parameter Dependent Second Order Differential Equations. The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications. July 5 - July 9, 2018 Taipei, Taiwan. http://aimsciences.org/conferences/2018/